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  • Today is: Sunday, July 7, 2024
SL. No. Name Description Course PDF Youtube Link G Drive Category
641 Stock Verification MRT-01 PDF Open
642 Delegation of Powers, MSOP MRT-01 PDF Open
643 M&P, Rolling stock and Works Programme: IRPSM, IRMNP and RSP portals MRT-01 PDF Open
644 Audit Paras MRT-01 PDF Open
645 Yoga & meditation MRT-01 PDF Open
646 Rajbhasha MRT-01 PDF Open
647 Organization and objectives of Mechanical Dept. MRT-02 PDF Open
648 Types of Rolling stock- Production/Repair/Maintenance practices of same MRT-02 PDF Open
649 test 3


PDF Open
650 Medical Attendance Rules MRT-01 PDF Open
651 Workshops: Role of Diesel POH Workshop, Objectives, Organization, Layout, Activities of different shops MRT-02 PDF Open
652 Workshops: Role of C&W Workshop, Objectives, Organization, Layout, Activities of different shops MRT-02 PDF Open
653 C&W Depot: Role of C&W Depot, Objectives, Organization, Layout, Activities of different sections MRT-02 PDF Open
654 Diesel Sheds and EMU/MEMU/DEMU Shed: Role of Sheds, Objectives, Organization, Layout, Activities of different sections MRT-02 PDF Open
655 Latest Development in Mechanical Dept. /Other Organizations- RDSO, IRIMEE, RITES, CONCOR, CAMTECH MRT-02 PDF Open
656 EnHM: Role of EnHM, Organization, objectives, funds for EnHM works MRT-02 PDF Open
657 Review MRT-02 PDF Open
658 Types of Coach and their nomenclature, Codal life, Transportation Codes, Coach numbering system MRT-03 PDF Open
659 Introduction of Coach Shell: ICF and LHB Coach MET-03 PDF Open
660 Wheel set- wheel, axle & bearings MET-03 PDF Open