This is a study material for Induction Course to App.SSEs/JEs. This material includes all the contents of MRT-1 module like Organization of Indian Railways , Recruitment and training , General Conditions of service, Medical Attendance Rules, Leave Rules, Pass Rules Conduct Rules, DAR, Payment of Wages Act, Minimum Wages Act 01, Employee’s Compensation Act, Hours of Employment Regulations, Factories Act, Industrial Disputes Act, NPS, RESS, PF, Pension & Other Retirement benefits, Welfare Measures, Organization and objectives of Stores branch, Classification and Codification of Stores, Procurement of stores - Non-Stock, Recoupment of stores - Stock item, Drawal of Stores, Scrap disposal, Disposal of surplus stores, Organization and objectives of Accounts branch, Budgeting.etc.
Induction Course for SSEs/JEs