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81 About

A Rolling Stock Knowledge Resource Portal in the domain has been created by the Railway Board. The objective of the portal is to provide a platform for exchange of ideas, posing of problems and providing solutions to the same by crowd sourcing and thus to create a platform for problem solving and encourage continual learning amongst officers, while posted on field assignments.  

In this Subject matter experts have been identified and they would moderate discussion threads on specific areas of interest. Nodal officers for each Zonal Railway,PU’s,IRIMEE,NAIR,COFMOW,CAMTECH & RDSO have been nominated.The Consignee Nodal officer of the work is EDME/Dev./RB.

Any significant work done by the Zonal Railways/Units may be posted under Best Practices tab.

The Zonal Railways/Units have also developed Centre of Excellence in various fields, the details of which may be posted under COE tab.





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82 Nodel Officer Manual

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83 Blogger Manual

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84 Our Sitemap PDF Open
85 Feedback Form PDF Open
86 Feedback PDF Open
87 Bogie Shop

RB vide No. RB No. 2017/M(W)/814/14 dated 04.01.2017 has advised creation of centre for excellence in Rolling Stock Maintenance in workshops alongwith identified work centres. Bogie shop was nominated to develop centre of excellence for Wagon Repair Workshop. Following actions were identified. After full compliance of the same, the Bogie shop was declared as Centre of Excellence for Wagon Repair Workshop Raipur in Nov’17.





Availability of all equipments and gadget.

  • Three sets of gauges for Casnub bogie is available with SSE/Bogie.
  • All sets are calibrated.
  • All the gauges are kept systematically and in ready to use condition.
  • Regular use of all gauges ensured.


Material handling equipment.

  • At present 4 nos. each of  Red, Green, yellow & blue colours Material Bins kept in the shop floor. 2 more of each colour to be placed.
  • Material handling trolley – 6 nos. available. 4 more to be fabricated.


Proper Flooring

  • Heavy duty hardonite flooring available in good condition.


Stacking of Material

  • Stacking of all new and serviceable material is done on weekly basis.
  • Unserviceable and scrap material cleared on day to day basis.
  • For small items, plastic crates procured and used for stacking.


Separation of clean and dirty area

  • Incoming cleaning of bogie done outside the shop.
  • Grit blasting of bogie frame is carried out in isolated location.
  • Regular sweeping of the floor is carried out on daily basis.
  • Gang way marking done in the floor.
  • BVZI – Secondary container to be  kept on shop floor to arrest oil leakage in the floor.


Different Colour Scheme

  • Gang way marking done on the entire shop floor.
  • Different colour bins used for Serviceable, Unserviceable, rubber item and garbage.
  • Pillars are painted in silver colour.


Display of Instructions

  • Work instructions, Objectives and targets, important parameters  are displayed prominently and uniformly..
  • Three nos flex board to be made containing “ Bogie Shop, Centre of excellence” in Hindi & English for information to all.


Maintenance of side walls

  • Cobweb cleaning to be done on regular interval.
  • Painting of structures shall be done twice a year


Training of staff.

  • No supervisor overdue refresher training.
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88 Manually operated Coach Window rod Snapper Tool for removing window Rod & Quick rescue of Passengers at Accident Site

ART Team of Hubli Division of South Western Railways has developed a very effective Rescue Device for removing Coach window rods quickly. Hubli Division has developed two model variants : 1 m & 1.6m length Snapper tool with a C section Grip snapper made of HSS. The C Section Grip Snapper is having threaded connection to the Pipe as well as uniformly CO2 welded over the joint. The C section Grip Snapper is having opening of 13mm which holds & snaps the window rod from its roots very quickly & it can remove all rods of one windows in approx 30-45secs . It is manually operated. The Rescue staff has to grab the window rod with this tool & with slight force application , the rod will get removed from the base. This type of rod removal is very safe as compared to cutting of rods at corner by hydraulic devices since there is no sharp edge generated by this manual tool (which is there in hydraulic rod cutters,so Magnetic Covers were must to be used to avoid injury to passengers rushing out of the coach).

This tool is very fast in operation as compared to Hydraulic rod cutters. It can remove all rods of a window in 30-40 secs average as compared to 5 mins time with hydraulic rod cutters. Also it removes the rod from its roots, so chances of injury to passenger rushing out of coach is very less. It is very cheaper & can be fabricated very easily in shops.

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89 Complete Digitization & Automation of Freight CTRB
  • Complete digital measurement  in Freight CTRB Overhauling Section
  • Inspection using digital gauges & online transfer of data rom work centers to PC
  • Display of video tutorial on LED TV Screen
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90 Parikalpo, Android based Coach POH costing APP


Android based POH cost App has been developed at Liluah Workshop.  This effort is the first of* its kind in entire Indian Railways  The main aim of this APP* is uniform distribution of Inspection activities with material booking with respect to Work Orders.  This APP will both be* Web Based and also freely downloadable from Play Store.  The users will be* provided with Login ID and Passwords


  • After initial login, the Inspector will make entry in the prescribed form coach wise and work order wise 
  • After pre-inspection the* Shop Supervisor will make necessary entries after execution of POH work
  • After completion of* POH, final inspection entries would be carried out by Inspectors.
  • Necessary reports can* be generated.


  • Shop Supervisor will login after pre-inspection
  • The pre-inspection timings would be now visible to the Supervisor
  • Remarks can be put in case of disagreement with the preinspection times 
  • After compliance of remarks, Material consumption (coach wise and work order wise) has to be entered 
  • This will help in generating* material cost calculations as per coach
  • Editing after final submission* can be done with the permission from ADMIN


  • The APP ensures digitization of all inspection sheets
  • This APP will reduce time by eliminating manual entries in all material and inspection sheets
  • All data would be transferred to server ensuring data  safety and security
  • Cost of every coach can be calculated instantly. This was not possible in the existing system.
  • Reasons for variance between pre and final  inspections can be critically analyzed
  • More than 20 types of custom reports can be generated and viewed
  • The introduction of this POH cost based APP will* reduce POH cost in this Workshop by uniform distribution of resources.
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91 Traceability through RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) & QR (Quick Response) Code PDF Open
92 Repair of Rejected Unloadable wagons in Sidings

IB valley region and Korba region have clusters of coal loading sidings. In each region 30 rakes each, coal is loaded every day. No. of wagons in a rake are rejected as unloadable. The unloadable return embedded empty, incurring loss in earnings.

SECR has undertaken works of attending these rejected wagons before loading by doing temporary repairs, thus making loadable for at least one movement. The work is outsourced using mobile van loaded with Generator and Welding sets. The repair raw material MS plates are also loaded in Mobile van.

The wagons rejected by siding authorities are attended and made temporary loadable. On an average 259 and 186 rejected wagons are made temporary loadable per day at IB valley region and Korba region respectively.

Thus loss of earning @ Rs. 16000/Wagons/Day to the tune of Rs.71.2 lakhs is saved. In the process expenditure incurred is Rs. 0.59 lakhs per day.

By this process SECR is saving/earning about 70.61 lakhs per day.

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93 5S

Sections certified 5S in 2017-18::

  1. Bogie Mounted Brake Cylinder Section
  2. Freight CTRB Overhauling Section
  3. Calibration Section of Tool Room

Sections certified 5S in 2018-19:

  1. LHB Bogie POH & IOH Section
  2. ICF Bogie Overhauling Section
  3. CASNUB Bogie Overhauling Section
  4. CBC Draft Gear Overhauling Section
  5. LHB CTRB Section
  6. DV Overhauling Section
  7. Spring Shop

Highlights of Centre of Excellence

  • 5S certified sections
  • Epoxy industrial flooring
  • E – Learning Booths at Shop Floor
  • Work procedure video on LED display screen
  • Display of Must Change and Conditional replacement items
  • Streamlined material sub store
  • Energy efficient illumination of work area
  • Work Instruction display boards
  • Ergonomic working environment
  • Automation to the extent possible
  • Staff Rest Arena inside shop
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94 Flexible-Shaft mounted Powered Cleaning-Tool developed by staff of Yesvantpur Depot to de-stench bio-toilets.

Stench removal from Bio-toilets/ normal toilets is a big challenge being faced on IR by coach maintenance wing. Many methods are being tried such as providing exhaust fans at location nearer to squatting pan, or fitting double ventury to have better natural ventilation. However, staff of YPR Depot of SWR looked at the problem a bit differently, they tried to pinpoint the source(s) of the bad-odour. They found that majorly stench emanates from Night Soil (NS) matter which gets stuck on inner surface of Straight Pipe and S- Pipe as well as on to the trash material ( like paper cups, etc.) inadvertently dropped by users in the toilet/pan.

To handle all these sources of stench, the staff initially thought of using a Robotic Arm but finally ended up evolving a Flexible-Shaft mounted Powered Cleaning-Tool. This tool not only is able to effectively traverse and clean the complete straight and S- pipe passage but is able to pull out as well as push out the trash material Cost: - The total cost of the powered tool would be in the range of Rs 4000 to Rs 5000 including spare set of chargeable batteries. Actually the Flexible Shaft and tool costs approximately Rs 500 only and the cost of Battery Operated Drilling Machine on which this tool is mounted is Rs 3000 to Rs 4000. Time Taken: 4 to 5 minutes per toilet are adequate to clean the inner surfaces and for cleaning the S- type passage. From single charging of battery, approximately 9 to 10 coaches can be effectively dealt. Action Plan: Use Flexible-Shaft mounted Powered Cleaning-Tool developed by YPR depot is replicated in all Depots of SWR. All Primary Maintenance Trains of SWR have been covered on 31-08-2018 and the process is being repeated continuously in all SWR depots. It is proposed to provide the tool to OBHS staff also so that effective cleaning is ensured en route.

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95 Innovative equipment''s for ART. Equipment A:- Portable Mono Rail cum Road Trolley. Equipment B:- Spacer for Telescopic Lifting Jack

Equipment A:- Multipurpose portable consisting of both Tapered wheels and tyre fixed on one mobile trolley which enabled to trolley operational both on mono rail as well as on flat surface using tyre. This multi utility trolley is extremely efficient while transporting heavy equipments on to accident site. This trolley consists of two numbers of MS solid tapered wheels and two rubber tyre, which can run on mono rail and road respectively. By providing this functionality trolley can be operated both on rail and road. It is a portable trolley which can be operated by single staff for transship of small items or two hydraulic jacks at a time to work spot quickly. Pushing handles are removable and can be fixed from both ends. Road wheels also removable whenever the ballast height is more by the side of rail. Flexible support brackets are fixed at both end of the trolley. 


Equipment B:-Two telescopic lifting jacks and one displacement jack are connected to one control panel from which Re-railment operations can be carried out. This system is very easy to Re-rail the coach by using 4.4 meters Re-railing bridge even at the points and crossings. Spacer is made of two telescopic tubes is used to connect two Roller Carriages is take over the direct power transmission and routing. For re-railing the coach, single telescopic hydraulic jack is using below the head stock centre in conventional method. At present condition most of the coaches are fitted with Bio-Toilets. Due to this, place is very less in between two bio-toilets to keep the jack under head stock. In order to overcome this difficulty two telescopic lifting jacks are placed under second lifting pads of the coach (inside the trolley) over the Roller carriages which are connected by spacer. Coach will be lifted with two telescopic jacks simultaneously above the rail level, after those two jacks will be moved laterally as a single unit with the help of displacement jack (traverse jack) from one end to re-rail the coach.

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96 Course Material for Project Saksham In Wagon POH Workshop (Hindi) PDF Open
97 Quality improvements in Welding - Mysore Workshop

The Welding team of Mysore Workshop is continuously focusing on the following areas related to Welding.

i) Welder ii) Equipment iii) Joints iv) Consumable v) Process vi) Inspection

i) Welder

a) Welder Qualification through continuous assessment and competency certification.

b) Imparting practical training to all the welders using ready reference drawings and Welding handbook.

ii) Equipment

a) Usage of advanced MIG/MAG synergic welding plants duly replacing the existing MMAW plants.

b) Preparation of validation certificate for all the welding plants after inspection.

c) Usage of better quality electrode holder, gloves and Auto darkening helmets.

iii) Joints

a) By imaprting continuous training to the welders, good fit ups are being done and poor fit ups are being properly assessed and rectified.

iv) Consumable

a) On proper selection of electrode, preheating according to the manufacturer's recommendation is essential for optimum results. In order to achieve this, a mother oven is being used and electrodes are being kept in quivers for maintaining the required temperature.

b) Ensuring proper storage of comsumable items duly protecting from the environmental factors.

v) Process

a) Preparation and maintenance of test records and process records after the welding process.

b) Welding based on Welding Specification Procedure in order to ensure an optimum result. 

vi) Inspection

a) All the Inspection personnel involved in Welding operations are being sent to various training institutes for continuous improvement.

b) Almost all the Inspection personnel have completed their certification course on Visual Inspection and DPT testing which resulted in drastic improvement during inspection.


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98 FIBA for Air suspension

Power point presentation about Failure Indication and Brake Application device

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99 Basics of CNC Programming (Trainer Model)

 CNC turning lathe (trainer model) is used to provide basic training of programming on various turning operations through simulation. 


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100 Energy Conservation in Generation of Compressed Air System

DMW has saved 942120 Kwh of electricity (resulting in 35.39% saving of electric energy) during 2018-19 in generation & supply of compressed air by adopting following measures:

  • Under-ground supply pipeline has been replaced with overhead pipeline.
  • Dedicated team has been nominated to deduct & address leakages.
  • Voltage Stabilizers have been replaced with Phase Reversal/ Phase Failure Protection Relays, duly modifying the electrical circuit of compressors.
  • Surplus delivery points of compressed air have been plugged in various shops.
  • Two nos. Air Dryers (Cap. 1500 CFM each) have been commissioned to improve quality of compressed air.
  • Air blow guns with silent Nozzle are being used during maintenance and on service points.  
  • Isolating valve has been provided between HMS & PPS to control supply of compressed air.
  • Use of baby compressors for intermittent supply.


 Above comprehensive measures resulted in saving of Rs. 79 Lakhs in generation & supply of compressed air.

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