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SL. No. Name Links PDF Youtube Link G Drive Category
981 Review MET-11 PDF Open
982 Production of metals MET-12 PDF Open
983 Hot and cold working MET-12 PDF Open
984 Smithy and forging MET-12 PDF Open
985 Foundry MET-12 PDF Open
986 Metal Joining PDF Open
987 Metal Cutting Operations using different machines: Lathe, Drilling machine, Shaper and Planner, Grinding, Milling (CNC& non-CNC) etc. MET-12 PDF Open
988 Machining Operations in Wheel Shop MET-12 PDF Open
989 Basics of Metrology and Calibration MET-12 PDF Open
990 Physical Testing of materials (DT & NDT) MET-12 PDF Open
991 Un-conventional machines (Laser, Electron Beam etc.) MET-12 PDF Open
992 Review MET-12 PDF Open
993 Introduction MET-13 PDF Open
994 Method Study MET-13 PDF Open
995 Principle of Motion Economy MET-13 PDF Open
996 Plant Layout MET-13 PDF Open
997 Work Measurement MET-13 PDF Open
998 Incentive Schemes in Railway Workshops MET-13 PDF Open
999 Job Evaluation and Merit Rating MET-13 PDF Open
1000 Introduction about Engg. Drg. MET-14 PDF Open