Keywords for search(use comma / separator):
Chair Car
Contact Person:
Mr. Pradeep Sharma, Dy.CME/Design-I, MCF/RBL Mob:7318060415 email: dycmed1mcfrbl@gmail.com
Brief description:
Recently MCF has manufactured new upgraded non-AC chair car coach (LWSCZ) with following:
Improved furnishing –
•Textured modular FRP roof panels
•Textured modular sidewall panels
•luggage rack with ventilation slits
•Improved seats
•Modular FRP lavatory module
Vacuum evacuation system in bio-toiles -For improved flushing and hygienee
Water purifier - To provide clean drinking water to passengers
Provision of Mini Pantry
•Deep freezer
•Bottle cooler
•Hot water boiler
Work table with sink and cup board