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1 M&P, Rolling Stock & Works programme

M&P, Rolling Stock & Works programme

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2 Machinery and Plant Programme

This PPT on Railway M&P Programme deals with procurement of M&P required for workshops, sheds, depots, medical equipment etc. PPT gives definition of M&P, T&P, Sanctioning powers, out of turn sanctions, procurement procedure, Role of COFMOW and checks in Indent preparation.

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3 Rolling stock programme

This PPT gives complete information about Rolling Stock Programme of Railways. Acquisition of new Rolling stock, modifications on rolling stock and procurement of unit exchange spares, Budget allocation, Pink Book, LAW book, SOP powers for sanction of estimate is explained in detail

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4 Works Program

Brief discription of how Works Program is initiated and processed at unit level and role of Hqrs have been covered in this ppt.

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5 MRT 01 - M&P and RSP PDF Open Other
7 MRT 01 - IRPSM PDF Open Other