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361 MRT-1 for Induction training for SSEs/JEs

This is a study material for Induction Course to App.SSEs/JEs. This material includes all the contents of MRT-1 module like Organization of Indian Railways , Recruitment and training , General Conditions of service, Medical Attendance Rules,  Leave Rules,  Pass Rules  Conduct Rules, DAR, Payment of Wages Act, Minimum Wages Act 01, Employee’s Compensation Act, Hours of Employment Regulations,  Factories Act, Industrial Disputes Act, NPS, RESS, PF, Pension & Other Retirement benefits, Welfare Measures, Organization and objectives of Stores branch, Classification and Codification of Stores, Procurement of stores - Non-Stock, Recoupment of stores - Stock item, Drawal of Stores, Scrap disposal, Disposal of surplus stores, Organization and objectives of Accounts branch, Budgeting.etc.

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362 MRT-3 for Induction Course to SSEs/JEs

This is a study materual for induction course to App.SSEs/JEs. This course contents include role of C&W workshop, objectives, organisation, layout, activities of different shops.

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363 MRT-2 for induction Course to SSEs/JEs

This is a study material for induction course to App.SSEs/JEs. This material includes contents like Organisation and objectives of Mechanical Dept., Types Rolling Stock, Production units, Workshops, C&W Depot, Diesel Shed,etc.

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364 MRT-3,4,5 for Induction Course to SSEs/JEs

This is a study material for induction course to App.SSEs/JEs. This notes covers various topics in rolling stock as a introduction/familiarisation to the newly recruited SSEs/JEs.

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365 DEMU 1600

Brief discription about DEMU 1600 DPC

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366 LOCO parameter AIP

Parameters of LOCO to be recorded after Accident

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367 Rake test (LHB Coach)

Rake test of LHB coach

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368 Salient features of LHB coach

Salient features of LHB coach

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369 Rake test (LHB Coach)

Rake test of LHB coach

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370 CBC


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371 MCT-01 Balance type draft gear PDF Open
372 Infrastructure Overview - IR Vis a Vis Road & Aviation sector

This presnetation gives a compartative statistics of growth of IR vis a vis other Transport Sectors 

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373 Study of Transition of management Structure in Japan National Railways & British Rail

This presnetation gives a brief background on Change in Management structure of Japan National Railways and British Railways and its brush with Privatisation excercise 

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374 Inter- departmental Case Studies

THis video presnets instances of case studies of  interdepartmntal coordination between various departmnets in Railways and outside 

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375 History of Jamalpur

Brief  History of Railways in Jamalpur and Indian Railway Institte of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering 

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376 Discipline & Appeal Rules 1968

Discipline & Appeal Rules 1968

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377 DEMU Body

Brief discription about DEMU Body

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378 Classification of Freight Stocks

Classification of Freight Stocks

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379 Assignment for Manual of office Procedure session

This is mock excercise on how noting and drafings should be prepared. The Traineer should assign the work to individual and check for accuracy & perecision of output 

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380 Revenue Model of various Railways

This case study will propel the Trainee to examine various revenue models follwed by different Railwa systems and submit his assessment 

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