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  • Today is: Monday, December 23, 2024
SL. No. Name Description Course PDF Youtube Link G Drive Category
261 H- type CBC Measurements

This presentation explains the various measuremsnts of H- type CBC using guages in a picturesque  way.

Intial and Refresher Course for Mechanical Supervisors 

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262 MCT 07

Module of Coaching Theory


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263 RC C&W Material

RC C&W Study Material

Refresher Course for C&W SSEs/ JEs

PDF Open Coaching
264 LHB Air Brake Booklet

LHB coaches Air Brake System Booklet

LHB Course for C&W, Workshop SSEs/ JEs

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265 LHB Pitline Maintenance Practices

LHB Pitline Examination for Openline C&W SSEs/ JEs & Staff

LHB Course for Open line SSEs/ JEs & Staff

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266 MCT 01

Module Of Coaching Theory 01

Induction Courses


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267 MCT 02

Module of Coaching Theory 02

Induction & Initial Courses


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268 Work Study- Method Study

This is a study material pertaining to Work Study - Method Study - prepared for trainees of Work Study Course of Initial and Refresher Training for Serving Work study Inspectors.

Intial and Refresher Course for Serving Work study Inspectors

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269 MCT 06

Module of Coaching Theory 06

Promotional Course


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270 Work study- Work Measurement

This is a study material pertaining to Work Study - Work MEasurement - prepared for trainees of Work Study Course of Initial and Refresher Training for Serving Work study Inspectors.

Initial and Refresher Course for Serving Work study Inspectors

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271 Work study

This is a presentation expalining the Work study and its ypes - Method Study and Work Measurement , breif about itheir proecedures, advantages and disadvantages etc.

Initial and Refresher Course for Work Study for Serving Workstudy Inspectors and JE&SSEs

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272 FIAT Bogie Shop Schedules

This prresentation explains various activities to be carried out for FIAT bogie shop schedules (SS-I, SS-II and SS-III) including must change items at Workshops .

Reffresher and Initial Course for Mechanical SSEs and JEs of Workshops.

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273 Incentive Schemes at Workshops - CLW pattern

This presentation explores the concepts of incentive scheme adaption in Indian Railway Production Units and Workshops. It further focuses on the salient features of Chittaranjan Loco Works pattern Incentive scheme.and also list out advantages and limitations of the scheme.

Initial and Refresher Course for Mechanical SSEs and JEs

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274 Incentive Schemes at Workshops - Group Incentive Scheme

This presentation discuses  the limitations of CLW pattern incentive scheme and it further focuses on the salient features of Group Incentive Scheme. (GIS) and also list out advantages and limitations of the scheme.

Initial and Refresher Course for Mechanical SSEs and JEs of Workshops.

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275 Promotee JEs- Session _I Module (MJP-Session-I)

This is a study material for App.JEs (Promotees) of Session -I training at STC.

Initial Course for App.JE (Promotee)

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276 PU Painting

This presentation explains the procedure for PU painting to LHB coaches at Workshops.

Initial and Refresher Course for Mechanical SSEs and JEs

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277 IOH of ICF bogie

This presentation explains the IOH practices to ICF bogie at Workshops. It also touches some repeated complaints received from divisons .

Initial and Refreher Course for Mechanical SSEs and JEs.

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278 Green Workshop

This presentation covers the green initiatives taken at workshop level, various methods to be adopted to achieve the development and further explains the advantages of its implementation.

Refresher Course for mechanical SSEs and JEs

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279 Comparison- HHP Vs Alco locomotives

In this PPT, HHP diesel  locomotive is compared with Alco diesel locmotives on the basis of working systems, design and components involved. 

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280 Load Box Testing of Alco locomotives

This PPT briefly explain- How to do LBT, when, what parameters are to be recorded & how SFC is to be calculated .

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