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  • Today is: Sunday, July 7, 2024

Indian Railways Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering

SL. No. Name Description Course PDF Youtube Link G Drive Category
61 Presentation on Running Room Management PDF Open
62 Presentation on Foot Plate Inspection PDF Open
63 Presentation on Loco Operation PDF Open
64 Presentation on Outage of Diesel Locomotive PDF Open
65 Introduction to DEMU of Indian Railways

Introduction to DEMU of Indian Railways

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66 Presentation on GCC for Works PDF Open
67 Comparison- HHP Vs Alco locomotives

In this PPT, HHP diesel  locomotive is compared with Alco diesel locmotives on the basis of working systems, design and components involved. 

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68 Load Box Testing of Alco locomotives

This PPT briefly explain- How to do LBT, when, what parameters are to be recorded & how SFC is to be calculated .

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69 Wagon Sick line Activities with Voice over PDF Open
70 DEMU Shed-Layout Guide

This reading material is of RDSO and briefly describe about infrastructure  & M&P requirement in any Demu shed.

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71 Locomotive -Alive & Dead

This PPt gives detail about Dead locomotive,accidental loco and condition of its hauling. condemnation of diesel loco. 

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72 DSGM- Mechanical system of HHP loco( LOS & WCS)

Lube oil system & water cooling system of HHP/GM (WDG4) loco are covered in this PPt.

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73 Basics of Self Generating Coaches

Basic overview of Self generating coaches, 110 v Dc system, V belt, Brushless alternator, RRU. ERRU, VRLA 

- Silabhadra Das AP/WMT


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74 OBHS and CTS

OBHS and CTS, Major works contracts and activities.

- Smriti Rao AP/IRIMEE


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75 Basics of air conditioning

Basics of air conditioning, vapour compression cycle, air conditioning in coaches, refrigerant, Self generating coaches underslung AC system

 - Silabhadra Das AP/WMT


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76 Hydraulics

Introduction to fluid hydraulics, hydrodynamics, pumps, control valves, hydraulic power unit

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77 Infrastructure Overview - IR Vis a Vis Road & Aviation sector

This presnetation gives a compartative statistics of growth of IR vis a vis other Transport Sectors 



probatiners of other CTIs 

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78 Inter- departmental Case Studies

THis video presnets instances of case studies of  interdepartmntal coordination between various departmnets in Railways and outside 



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79 History of Jamalpur

Brief  History of Railways in Jamalpur and Indian Railway Institte of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering 




Probationers of Other CTIs 

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80 Assignment for Manual of office Procedure session

This is mock excercise on how noting and drafings should be prepared. The Traineer should assign the work to individual and check for accuracy & perecision of output 

officials dealing with office work 



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