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Indian Railways Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering

SL. No. Name Description Course PDF Youtube Link G Drive Category
101 Disaster Management Equipment and its Maintenance

It describes about Disaster, its management, ART, ARMV and 140T Crane and Equipment used in it and their maintenance.

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102 Integrated Coaching Maintenance Concept

It explains the concept of Electrical & Mechanical maintenance of Coaches at one place under same roof.

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103 Mock drills, Role of Control office and duties in Accident Management PDF Open
104 Works, RSP and M&P Program PDF Open
105 Key Statistics of Railway pertaining to Rolling Stock

C&W module for Probationers , BIND

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106 Scrap Management in Indian Railway

In Probationers MSMP module 

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107 Features of LHB Coach Shell RCF.

It describes about special features of LHB coach shell i.e. type of materials used and design change with respect to conventional ICF coach shell.

C&W Module for Probationers and BIND

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108 LHB Coach Design Features

It describes about design features of LHB coach ie the trainee after study this will be able to understand how it is better than conventional coach.

C&W Module for Probationers and BIND Course

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109 IGBT based Control System of HHP Locomotives.

AC AC Transmission control system of HHP Locomotives with MEDHA Transmission.

Probationers, BIND, SET, JET etc. Courses and HHP courses for On job Officers and Supervisors.

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110 Cooling System of ALCO Locomotives

This presentation describes Water cooling system of ALCO LOcomotives

Probationers, PSU Trainees, BIND, SSE/ JE trainees, SCMA/ CMS trainees

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111 Charged Air System of ALCO Locomotives.

Tis covers TSC, Air filters, Super charging, Charged air system of ALCO Locomotives.

Probationers, SSE/JE, BIND and on the job Officers and Supervisors of Railways and PSUs

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112 IRAB1 ALCO Loco Air Brake System

This wil cover Compressor, distribution of compressed air in Locomotive and Air brake system in ALCO Loco.

Probationers, SSE/JE, BIND, PSU courses, On the job Officers and Supervisors Courses.

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113 Computer Controlled Braking System in ALCO and HHP Locomotives.

This will cover the basics of CCB and desribe CCB 1.5 version.

Probationers, SSE/JE, BIND and On the job Oficers and Spervisors of Rail & PSU courses. Crews can also be benefitted from this pdf.

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114 Aspects of Disaster Management

It describes about various aspects of disaster and its management after happening.

DISM for Probationers

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115 Role/Responsibility Of Mechanical in Store Tender

After studying this the trainee will be able to understand - the stock and non stock items, vendor capibility/performance, technical vetting,technical suitability, negotiation, counter offer, P.O. in non stock cases, staggered /scheduled delivery, dissent, TCM/TCR wording.

MSMP for Probationers

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116 Safety Items in Coach

After going through this learners will be able to understand and recognise the safety items available in coach.

BIND Course C&W Module

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117 DEMU Systems PDF Open
118 Industrial Safety

Overhead Crane Safety Training 

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119 Safety Forklift Training PDF Open
120 Safety for Working at Height PDF Open